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Healthy Choice Steaming Entrees Honey Balsamic Chicken
Healthy Choice Honey Balsamic Chicken.
Steaming Entrees
210 calories.
Steam cooks for freshness.
Chicken tenderloins with red potatoes, asparagus & cherry tomatoes in honey-herb balsamic glaze.
Fresh taste from quality ingredients.
Inspected for wholesomeness by U.S. Department of Agriculture.
ConAgra Foods.
Food you love.
Why steam.
Taste the difference.
Steaming is one of the freshest ways to prepare food... it locks in fresh taste and unlocks the vibrant flavors and colors of quality ingredients. Our special steam film provides a fresh new way to enjoy great tasting meals.
A fast and effortless way to enjoy steam fresh taste. Taste the difference.
This special film may make steaming or popping sounds as the meal steams.
Weight Watchers PointsPlus value: 5*.
*The PointsPlus value for this product was calculated by ConAgra Foods, and is provided for informational purposes only. This is not an endorsement, sponsorship or approval of this product or its manufacturer by Weight Watchers International, Inc., the owner of the Weight Watchers and PointsPlus registered trademarks.
Diet exchanges per serving: 2 starch.
1 vegetable.
1 lean meat.
Diet exchanges are based on choose your foods: exchange list for diabetes, 2008 by The American Diabetes Assoc., Inc. and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Questions or comments, visit us at or call Mon.-Fri., 9:00 AM-7:00 PM (CST), 1-800-323-9980 (except national holidays). Please have entire package available when you call so we may gather information off the label.
For more information go to or call 1-800-323-9980.