Curbside pickup is only available at our Spottswood Avenue and Goodman Road locations.
Wisk Deep Clean HE Detergent

Wisk® Deep Clean® HE Detergent.
Attacks trapped.
Body oils and sweat!
With Micro-Cleaners™.
For high efficiency machines.
66 loads*.
Body oils and sweat, the #1 soil in your laundry can stay trapped in your clothes, even after washing.
Wisk® Deep Clean® penetrates deep inside the fabric, cleaning beyond visible stains, to seek out and attack trapped body oils and sweat.
Works effectively, even in cold water.
For high efficiency machines.
Measure with cap:
*Contains 66 loads as measured to line 2 on cap.
Load-Fill to:
Large-Line (1.9oz).
Normal-Line (1.5 oz).
Use more for heavily soiled loads.
Pour Wisk® directly on your toughest stains.
Rub in. Always test an inside seam for colorfastness.
As always, contain no phosphates.
For a complete product ingredient listing, visit
Bottles contain 25% post-consumer recycled plastic.
For questions and comments contact us at or at 1-800-ASK-WISK (1-800-275-9475).