Curbside pickup is only available at our Spottswood Avenue and Goodman Road locations.
Nabisco Ritz Bits Cheese Cracker Sandwiches

Nabisco Ritz Bits Cracker Sandwiches.
Naturally flavored cheese.
Playtime or snacktime.
Ritz bits fits.
How many words can you make with the letters "Ritz bits cracker sandwiches"
Visit us at: or call weekdays: 1-800-622-4726.
This package is sold by weight, not by volume. Packed as full as practicable by modern automatic equipment, it contains full net weight indicated. If it does not appear full when opened, it is because contents have settled during shipping and handling.
Kraft foods.
Carton made from 100% recycled paperboard.
Minimum 35% post-consumer content.
Enjoy on-the-go or at home!
Ritz bits cheese, 12 packs.
Made with real cheese.